Case Studies

Project Overview: CANTOR RESIDENCE

When approached by Mr. Cantor there’s was no hiding the fact that we were very excited about this prospect. The Cantor’s were interested installing an audio & video system in their new San Diego home. Mr. Cantor is a world famous painter with a gallery in downtown, San Diego (

It was quickly obvious their new home would be an artistic showpiece. Our goal was to offer an audio & video system with superior performance that would not distract from the artwork. In addition, Mr. Cantor was moving his workshop from the downtown gallery to the new residence. This is where all future painting would be created. The only downside to this, according gallery and his customers.

We’re pleased to say we were able to engineer and beautifully integrated the HDTV’s and electronics into the home’s overall décor. The installation features Panasonic THX Plasma HDTV’s and Klipsch Audio.

Mr. Cantor was also pleasantly surprised when we offered to install a video surveillance system in his downtown gallery with the ability to view the cameras from his home, or on any computer with internet access, including his cell phone. We installed a 26” Sharp LCD onto a ceiling mount in Tim’s Office that broadcasts the gallery’s cameras 24/7. Now, he never feels disconnected from his gallery, but can work from the comfort of his home.

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